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Here is the boat I used to cross Puget Sound from Alki Beach to Bainbridge Island and back with the Sound Rowers racers in 1999. Since then I've crossed the Sound many times in my Escapade and Cadence.
Escapade and Cadence | Paddle Wheelers | Festivals | |
Lake Chelan 1999 | canoe | Cowichan Bay 1995 | |
Budd Inlet, 1999 | YA Photos | Cowichan Bay 2000 | |
Stories 2000 2001 | YA Paddlewheel Axle Photos | Cow Bay Links | |
Stories 2002 2003 | YA's First Race | More Cow Bay Links | |
Stories 2004 2005 | Pt. Defiance Kayak Symposium 2005 | ||
Web Log (blog) 2005-now |
For a list of Frequently Asked Escapade Questions, go here. For a list of Frequently Asked Cadence Questions, go here.
Here is a comparison shot of the Harken and Escapade pedal/prop drive units.
Here is a shot of the latest Cadence strut and propeller. Both will be polished to a mirror finish in the final production step.
For those who believe that HPB's don't create much of a wake, here is a wake-up (pun intended) shot: small and large. Thanks for this picture go to Bob Stuart.
Internation Human Powered Vehicle Association
Excellent human powered boat resource site maintained by me now
HPB Calculator, site maintained by Warren Beauchamp of both land and water based HPV fame
Water biking from a European perspective
Comparative list of lots of different pedaled and paddled boats.
MIT's Decavitator (very good homepage with hydrofoil intro);
Japanese Solar and Human powered Boating;
Philip Thiel's web site, which includes the famous Escargot pedal powered cabin cruiser
Scafo recumbent human powered hydrofoil
Sound Rowers Rowing and Paddling club, which supports all forms of human powered boat racing
2004 Halloween Hydrobowl photos
Article about Surface Piercing Propellers
A presentation made in Europe about various human powered boat types and their design trade-offs.
![]() Click to join CadencePedalBoats Group | ![]() Click to join nauticraftpedalboats |
![]() Click to join soundtourists |
Excellent boating links site, including The Mother of All Maritime Links
News broadcast of the Crosstrek pedal powered airboat, in Windows Media and Real Media format, digitized by Ken Wetz.
Pacific Northwest Tides and Currents - calculated
More Pacific Northwest Tides, select from a list and click a button.
Same web site, covering tides for the USA, select from a list and click a button.
Take along your own free portable tide calculator software for your PDA and smartphone
Washington State Parks Moorage Info - includes basic amenities at each location
A guide to the San Juan Islands, WA USA
Here's a kayak-oriented summary of a lot of neat places to visit in British Columbia, Canada
Topozone Maps - Not a boating site, exactly, but an excellent source for online customizable maps
The book "Sea Kayaker's Deep Trouble: True Stories and Their Lessons from Sea Kayaker Magazine" has accounts of a number of kayaking accidents, many taking place in areas that people in the Pacific Northwest may wish to visit.
Another book I've found very useful for developing and refining navigation and planning skills, as well as learning about how to minimize the risks of current and other dangers is "Fundamentals of Kayak Navigation": Something I really like about this book is that it goes beyond the "proper" methods of navigation (which are sometimes very difficult to perform while bouncing around in a small boat), and gives lots of useful tricks, suggestions for alternate tools, and methods of estimation that are especially suited for small boaters. A bit of the material is pretty specific to kayaks, but most of it is probably applicable to most small boats. As an added benefit, this is by a local author, so many of the examples are from the Puget Sound region.
Outing on Lake Union with Rick Willoughby in my green/black Cadence while his wife and I pedal about in an Escapade 5/24/2008
Presentation given at Seattle Bike Expo 3/7/2004
In case you ever wanted to know what a Force N wind looks like, here is a great site.
Virtual boat tours in Finland. Boy, there certainly are lots of little islands and channels to explore there!
Last updated March 28, 2021 by webmaster